Coach Kat and Dr.Mimi
Coach Kat and Dr.Mimi

Weight Loss Success Story I Patti Down 25 Pounds!

Patti's amazing weight loss success story

It’s success stories like Patti’s that strongly remind me of our WHY. My mom and I are in this with you because we get to be part of so many amazing transformations—not just weight loss success, but deep SOUL success.

Before Patti started our mentorship program, she was struggling with ending her life. During this time, a good friend walked alongside her and suggested that they start taking charge of their health.

The result? Happiness, a new confidence, down 25 pounds and 15.25 inches.

It’s been an honor to watch her transformation to new levels of energy, confidence, and happiness.  We are so proud of you, Patti!

This is her story in her own words. 

Patti’s Story

In February 2020, I was at a real low point in life. I was in the relentless grasp of deep depression with daily thoughts of giving up on life. Being within 5 pounds of my heaviest weight only added to my sense of low self worth.

Thankfully, my best friend guided me to a counselor and suggested that we embark on a journey towards health.

She suggested that we get coaching and mentorship from Coach Kat and Dr. Mimi. 

We took the plunge, and six months into this lifestyle transformation, I can proudly report that I have lost 25 pounds, even during the pandemic! 

When the gyms closed, Coach Kat was excellent at improvising and transforming my workouts to be done at home with items in the house. Slowly, I have built my own home gym and Kat altered the workouts to incorporate the new equipment.

Another very valuable part of this mentorship is the tremendous support I get through team coaching calls. Fellow team members on this health journey share wins and challenges with each other on Zoom calls, in the Facebook group, and through private messaging. Group support is such a vital tool.

The result? I can honestly say that I feel so much happier and much more confident.

I am so grateful that I started this journey towards health and there is so much more to accomplish. And now I know I can do it because of Coach Kat and Dr. Mimi!



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